Peace Conference Skyrim

White peace is a peace treaty for countries at war. When white peace is made between two countries at war, the war and all forms of hostilities stop and things return to the way they were prior to the war. Things returning to the way they were before war means territory goes back to the way it was before the war started (so any territory gained during the war from an opposition is returned). The same goes for money and cores (nothing is exchanged, things go back to the way they were before the war).

I have that problem too, I don't hate anybody in skyrim, and I honestly don't want to spill that many blood. And luckily, there is a quest for that. It's called 'Season Unending'. To activate this quest you must either talk to Esbern (Akaviri), Arngeir (Greybeards), or Paarthurnax about the war, and so on. What would happen during the peace conference between Ulfric and Tullius if I’ve already taken Whiterun, Falkreath and Markarth, leaving the empire Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Right now, I'm trying to talk to Ulfric about going to the peace conference, but the only options I have are the mundane ones about the war and why he killed the High King and so forth. I also haven't completed the Message to Whiterun quest yet and it's giving me the dialogue option of returning his ax along with the previous mundane questions.

This guide assumes that you know how to open and use the console, and know what country tags are. If not, see our opening the console guide and country tags help.

The white peace command can be used to instantly create white peace between two countries. It has been reported to be bugged (glitched) and no longer works as of an earlier update in the game.

If you do wish to try to use this command (to see if it works for you), you can do so by typing whitepeace followed by a space and the country tags of the two countries you wish to create white peace between. So, to create white peace between Spain and Portugal (if they were at war), you'd type:

Oct 11, 2013 As was mentioned, if you are doing the Main (Dragon) Quest, it involves a a peace conference which I really, really dislike. HOWEVER, if you do the civil war quest first as a Stormcloak, it makes for some quirky logic flaws. (Diplomatic Immunity as a Stormcloak? While working with the Blades? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim General Discussions Topic Details. Feb 28, 2014 @ 5:51am Quest won't advance at the peace council meeting with the greybeards (Main Quest III: the Fallen) The quest requires that I sit on a chair in the council room in order to negotiate a.

whitepeace SPA POR

You can find more help on the whitepeace command help page.

Alternative to the Whitepeace Command

As stated above, for more recent versions of the game the whitepeace command no longer works properly. However, there are other ways to create whitepeace with console commands. Our alternative utilizes the yesman, tag and allowdiplo commands. Here are the steps:

  1. If you aren't already playing as one of the countries involved in the war, use the tag command to switch to one. (e.g. tag SPA to switch to Spain).
  2. Pause the game and type both allowdiplo and yesman into the console. Allowdiplo allows you to make any diplomatic action without justification and yesman will make all AI accept any diplomatic offers.
  3. Offer the country in the war a peace treaty. They will instantly accept because of the yesman command.
  4. Type allowdiplo and yesman into the console again to toggle the commands effects off. If you switched to another country using the tag command, switch back. Resume the game.

That's all there is to it! Find more command articles on our blog. For more commands, see all Hearts of Iron IV console commands.

Quietly, the Dragonborn allowed his gaze to wander out over the roofs of Solitude. From Proudspire Manor, he could easily see not just the Blue Palace and Castle Dour, but all the other places in between. Although he had property in every Hold, no place in Skyrim drew his attention more than this northern port, a gateway to a larger world with other possibilities.

Seeing so much as he now had, the Nord who surprisingly knew about so many things while having so many mysteries about himself wondered for a moment on his own past. Who were his parents? Where had he come from? Slayer of Alduin, Archmage of Winterhold, Legate of the Imperial Legion, and a host of other titles...but who was he?

Maybe he was possibility in its purest form. If the dragon he had fought in Sovngarde represented the end of the world, would not his opponent be the bringer of new beginnings? Certainly, the Book of Fate in that little Windhelm shop the Butcher owned suggested as much, but he had no answers. Taking one more swill of Cyrodilic Brandy, he called up to Jordis to release her for the evening as he had a guest joining him tonight.

For a time, he was focused only upon the dragons and the threat they represented. But after finding so many artifacts and secrets, after so many grand adventures, the Dragonborn realized something odd. The world did not end. It felt like each story had ended, each job had done, and yet people still lived and he found himself burning to achieve something more.

This was why he joined the Civil War at last. Both sides were right and both were wrong. The White-Gold Concordat was a mistake, he knew surely within his heart, and allowing man to be thrust from his place in divinity was a lie. Having seen the fine halls of Sovngarde, it was beyond question that there was a place where the mortal met the mystical and transcended this life. In the Thu'um, he felt that energy pulse through his own being, and wondered if Talos, if Tiber Septim, or even the man Hjalti knew the same. All Nords, all men should have seen the folly of giving that concession.

Yet, he hadn't joined Ulfgar in the end. The realization he would not support this man to be High King of Skyrim became clear at the Graybeards' Peace Conference. So belligerent and so self-absorbed, his leadership would have been a mistake for the Nords because there was a bigger picture: The Thalmor. The Aldmeri Dominion would have benefitted too much from his success, and so the Dragonborn entered the war.

Taking another drink to numb his own disgust at all the good men and women he had slaughtered, the Dragonborn thought of the attacks again. This wasn't like killing bandits, dark necromancers, or simple animals. These were men who should have been allies, and as the war continued, his realization grew about why he was fighting. He was fighting not just for those in Imperial garb, for his race and for their survival, to honor the sacrifice of those he slew.

Peace Conference Skyrim And Elder Scrolls

Legate Rikke had obviously been uncomfortable with all the times he had gone to take on entire castles by himself, but eventually accepted it. When the battle rage came upon him, he was known to slaughter anyone who came too close, regardless of their colors or even his intention. It was easier, and perhaps he saved a few men by doing the dirty work himself.

Peace Conference Skyrim Weapons

Tullius knew the truth of what happened, but all agreed that the Empire needed the victory. One victor, one unit, and one country once more. And so, the Dragonborn slew everyone before him save the Jarl of Windhelm. He could not say why he did not indulge the dying man's last request, but maybe that was the cost of failure. A leader who did not think of his men, not what they wanted so much as what they needed did not deserve a happy ending.

The irony wasn't lost on the warrior considering his own actions, but the war had ended and though his hands had more blood on them, he accepted this without too much remorse. Maybe it was the influence of the dragons. He never felt so much like Malacath as when thinking how they thought. And tonight was no exception from those thoughts.

Sitting on the balcony, he could hear distant sounds emanating from the Bard's College and see the Blue Palace in the distance. A smile caught at the edge of his lips as he thought about that, keeping those thoughts secret for the moment. Something to think about later, as he turned his glance in the opposite direction and toward Castle Dour.

By sound alone, he could tell his guest for the evening was approaching from that direction as the heavy rhythmic steps said many things. They bespoke authority, command, and a lack of fear he had come to appreciate. As the man who owned that cadence came closer, he called down to him and said, 'Come to the back, General. It's a beautiful evening for once, and I thought we might enjoy the night air.'

Grunting, General Tullius, commander of the Imperial Legion in all Skyrim, ascended steps in the back saying, 'What you Nords consider warm still amazes me.'

Smiling, and in consideration of his guest's comfort, the Dragonborn poked at a fire while he whispered two quick incantations beneath his lips: A spell for warmth and a ward for privacy. He did not wish to be overheard by anyone. Even though he was sure he would detect such an intruder long before any danger passed, practice became habit over time.


He rose to salute, in respect of their positions within the military, and knowing how it might please the general. Though Tullius scoffed at the gesture, it was also clear he enjoyed it as he took a seat along with a tumbler of the fine brandy.

'I see you're finally drinking the good stuff,' the Imperial said with approval.

'I've come to appreciate a number of things that Cyrodil has to offer,' the Dragonborn returned with flattery. Lest he seem too kind, he added, 'As you have with this fine land, I'm sure.'

The soldier laughed at that and said, 'Tough men, tougher women, and no drought. But it is an honest place, and I like that.' Tullius looked up at the Legate and said, 'It makes things simpler, don't you think?'

'Always,' the Nord agreed with a smile. 'I wish it could always be so, but things can be complicated.' He left an unfinished thought there before asking, 'How goes the mop up operations?'

'As good as can be expected. Free-Winter is doing the best he can in Windhelm, and he's getting help from the Dunmer and Argonians, but people aren't happy there.'

'And elsewhere?'

'Some places better than others. At least the fighting is over though,' the general conceded.

'Do you think it is, though?' the Dragonborn asked.

Tullius scoffed, 'With you in the field, I doubt anyone will oppose things openly. What people think isn't my concern, so long as they remain loyal and don't cause trouble.'

Peace Conference Skyrim Weapons

Lifting his drink then, the Nord smiled a surprisingly warm smile in the moonlight. Strong with muscles built from use, he had a clever look, narrow eyes, and short hair. He was almost nondescript at a distance, a useful trait he had relied upon several times, but the intensity of his gaze was fixed on Tullius then as he toasted, 'To a lasting peace, General.'

Skyrim Peace Council

'Aye,' stated the Imperial, before adding, 'And peace to the dead and the living.'

A quiet moment elapsed where neither man spoke and each was lost in their own thoughts. The anger of the Dov might sometimes sweep him away, but the Dragonborn was a man of discipline and self-control outside those few times when his blood took over. He just felt calm and waited.

Before too long, Tullius spoke up and asked him, 'So did you invite me over here just to reminisce on the memories, or did you have a reason?'

'Besides the pleasure of your company,' the Nord laughed, knowing how transparent that would sound.

The commander smiled and spread his hands in invitation for whatever would be said next.

Swirling the tumbler in his own hand, the Nord said, 'Do you remember what you said outside Windhelm?'

'You mean the speech?' Tullius frowned. 'I hate giving those things.'

Interrupting the other man, the Nord said, 'Not that. About the Thalmor.'

A moment of concern crossed the Imperial Legion officer's face, as he wondered if something important had happened, but when he saw no change in the features of his subordinate, he exhaled almost inaudibly. 'I recall a concern or two.'

The Dragonborn said, 'You never asked me why I picked your side.'

'I didn't need to know,' said Tullius sincerely. 'It's not the job of a general to know why men do what they do. It's their job to tell men what they need to do.'

'Too true,' rued the blond haired man. 'But I'm no ordinary man. Would you like to know?'

With the frank glance that had frozen lesser man, the Imperial added, 'I don't know. My senses tell me it might be easier if I didn't.'

The Nord almost grinned in response to that. 'Because, as you rightly noted, this war was fighting the wrong enemy.' He only paused before continuing, 'The question of whether or not the Empire was right is one we can debate, and I know you have more nuanced views than you're going to share, but the point is we need a strong Empire because the Aldmeri Dominion will carve us up otherwise.'

Reaching back, the Dragonborn grabbed a few files and handed them over to the General.

Glancing at the nondescript folders briefly, Tullius raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

'They're files from the Thalmor Embassy. To save you some time, what they show is the Elves enjoyed our little war and wanted it to continue.' Offering detail about the provenance of the files, he added, 'The Blades were involved with getting these, and I thought you might like to know.'

'It doesn't surprise me,' the square set man said. 'They are no friend to the Empire.'

'I think it's larger than that, General. They're no friend to humanity. Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Nord. They hate us all. They think us beneath them.'

'You sound like Ulfric now,' Tullius revealed.

Abruptly, the Dragonborn said, 'No, because this one thing is different. Ulfric hated them. I don't hate the Merfolk. But I know their Dominion hates us, and as surely as one elder race tried to enslave us, I see another already making their moves.'

The General nodded but added nothing.

'Talos. Tiber Septim, your emperor, dethroned from his place amongst the divines and why? Because he was a human with aspirations beyond himself. The Emperor never should have accepted that bargain.'

Concerning the White-Gold Concordat, Tullius mused, 'I might agree with you, but that War made this look like child's play. Have you read the reports?'

The Nord nodded, but now the Imperial said, 'Well, it was worse than that. I was there for some of that fighting. I saw men die not by the dozen but by the thousands. So peace itself was worth the cost.'

Musing over this recollection, the Dragonborn said, 'And you still think it is worth it?'

'It doesn't matter what I think, sir,' Tullius sardonically offered. 'I'm just a blade to go where the Emperor wills, as do we all.'

Sensing he had pressed a sore spot with the General, the Nord adjusted the conversation to a different topic, shelving some thoughts he had for another time.

'Neither you nor I can control that,' said the Nord as there was a hint that he wondered how true that statement might be which couldn't help but escape, 'But let us instead speak of the here and now in Skyrim.'

'Okay,' said the General, obviously relieved to be on what he considered safer ground.

'I think I should marry Elisef.'

Taken aback by the abruptness of this revelation, Tullius choked back a drink he hadn't yet swallowed and then looked more critically at his counterpart. Waiting to see if there was any humor in the grey eyes across from him, when he saw there was not, he said, 'You're serious.'

Somewhere between a question and a statement, the simple response came, 'I am.'

'Does she know about this?'

'Not yet,' the Dragonborn said. 'I wanted to talk to you first.'

'Me?' he asked in genuine surprise. 'I don't have any control over that…'

Peace Conference 2009

Interrupting, the Nord said, 'I think you have far more say than you realize. I'm sure Falk and the rest of her court will approve, but she relies on your counsel greatly, and she would have come quickly to you once I spoke with her anyway.'

Tullius mused over that and said carefully, 'I like Elisef. She's a good woman, a fine jarl, and someone I know I can trust.' An emphasis on the final syllable was the question he was asking in return.

The Dragonborn ignored the implication and instead said, 'She is all those things, and I will treat her very well and work with her to make all we accomplished mean something.'

'You want to be High King, then,' said the General.

'The possibility occurred to me. It would unite the land, and I'm well-known and respected in every hold.'

Skeptically, Tullius countered, 'And the Stormcloaks…'

'They will follow me as well. They respect a strong Nord. And none will challenge me.'

The raw power hinted at by that statement clearly set the general ill at ease, but he didn't know what to say. It was obvious from his own expression that Tullius didn't know what to do.

Skyrim Peace Meeting

The Imperial set down his drink, and asked finally, 'Why?'

'Do you really want to know?'

'No,' Tullius considered, but he found himself confessing, 'But I know I will need to know.'

'And will you support me?'

'In this?' he paused then continued, 'For now?'

The legionnaire stared into the distance before locking his sight squarely on his companion and saying, 'If it is something she wants, I will not oppose you.'

'I had hoped for more…'

Sighing, the General said, 'You're dangerous, Dragonborn. I can't oppose you here and win. But I didn't just win one war to fight another. And you're as big a threat as Skyrim has to the Empire.'

Speaking baldly, the Nord said, 'General, I'm no threat to your Empire. In truth, I want to save it. But I will need your help, and this will not be easy.'

'What are you asking of me, then?' the military man fell into regimen, looking for orders, before making a decision.

'I'm just asking we talk and understand one another. This is just a conversation.'

'For now,' Tullius said.

'For now, yes.'

A moment passed away slowly before Tullius asked, 'When will you approach her?'

'Before the end of the week. There's no sense in waiting.'

'Courtship?' asked the General in a surprisingly softer moment. Maybe he did care for this woman who had in many ways become his ward.
'Less than she deserves,' the Dragonborn conceded, 'But the good widow will not lack for affection. Such as I can share, I will. It needn't be only a political marriage, but Mara willing, time will answer those questions.'

'And if I say no?' Tullius asked.

'I'd rather you didn't,' said the Nord. 'General, I respect you, and I'm going to count on you to work with me to help restore this land.'

'Skyrim needs the help, and it needs a strong hand. You know this,' said the Dragonborn.

'Yes, you're right,' said the Imperial, 'But I don't want to be a politician anymore.'

At this, the Nord laughed and said, 'And I only wanted to hunt through dungeons after beasts and Gods, but we both live in a more complicated world than that. You should have stayed a Tribune if you didn't want responsibility, General.'

'Sometimes, we don't have choices,' Tullius said. 'At least, not the ones we want.'

As the general looked at him, the Nord said, 'But sometimes, we have better choices than we think, and real opportunities. We fought together as strong allies against a common enemy before. And I think, as you once told me, we will have to do so together again.'

Taking a breath with an anticipation he rarely felt, the Dragonborn said, 'I'm hoping you will trust me once more, Tullius. I think we will need one another.'

Author's Notes: (1) These events are set some time after the defeat of Alduin and following an Imperial Victory in the Civil War. (2) The Dragonborn is, as yet, unnamed for reasons that will come out in time. (3) I haven't written in a long time, so I'm just getting back into the swing of this, so I apologize in advance for mistakes I make, give full credit to the creative talent in whose world I am writing, and hope you enjoy.