- Citrix Receiver Cleanup Tool Download
- Citrix Receiver Cleanup Utility Tool
- Citrix Receiver Cleanup For Windows 10
Problems with Citrix Receiver and Windows 7
First of all, you really shouldn’t be using Windows 7 anymore. But if you still need to and are having problems running Citrix Receiver with it, here are a few tips to fix those problems. More importantly, if you want to get rid of Citrix-related issues altogether, we’ve got a solution for that as well.
Download the Citrix Receiver Cleanup Utility for Windows here 2. Go to the folder where you downloaded the Receiver Cleanup Utility and double click it: 3. Citrix does not recommend that you use the Receiver clean-up utility to uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows (Store). Citrix Workspace app desktop clean-up tool The Citrix Workspace app desktop clean-up tool allows you to delete the desktop shortcuts that remain after you uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows (Store).
Citrix Workspace app is a new client from Citrix that works similar to Citrix Receiver and is fully backward-compatible with your organization’s Citrix infrastructure. Citrix Workspace app provides the full capabilities of Citrix Receiver, as well as new capabilities based on your organization’s Citrix deployment.
Can’t install Citrix Receiver on Windows 7
There are so many issues when you put Citrix Receiver on Windows 7. Some of them even appear at the very beginning—right when you attempt to install Citrix Receiver on your Windows 7 machine. During the installation, a message may pop out, saying, “Citrix Installation has stopped working,” or something along those lines.
It’s tough to find a single solution that works, but you can try one of the following:
- Install the latest version of Citrix Receiver
- Run the Windows Cleanup Utility
- Remove Citrix registry keys
- Run the .NET repair tool
- Install the latest .NET framework
Cannot start desktop
Sometimes when you try to launch a published desktop, an error message pops up, saying, “Cannot start desktop.” One possible reason could be that there are no longer any available desktops in the Delivery Group that the user is attempting to connect to. This problem can be fixed by adding more desktops to the Delivery Group in question.
Not launching applications
Another common issue plaguing Citrix Receiver is applications not launching. This happens not only on Windows 7 but on other Windows versions as well. Fixes usually involve tinkering with registry keys like the following:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlCitrixwfshellTWI
Fix all problems in Citrix Receiver and Windows 7
It’s worth noting that, in most cases, the problem lies with Citrix. So no matter what you do, for as long as you keep using Citrix, your problems won’t go away.
To avoid Citrix Receiver issues for good, shift to Parallels® Remote Application Server (RAS). Parallels RAS is a virtual application and desktop delivery solution with a much simpler architecture. Complex issues like those mentioned above are eliminated from the client-side. Any issues that do arise can usually be addressed by merely reinstalling or restarting the Parallels Client. In addition, users can also switch to the HTML5 Client until any issue is resolved.
Experts Exchange | https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28939897/Can’t-install-citrix-receiver-on-windows-7.html
Lowell Vanderpool [YouTube video]| https://youtu.be/_U78iAem3uo
Carl Stalhood | https://www.carlstalhood.com/virtual-delivery-agent-vda-7-15-ltsr/

Citrix Receiver Cleanup Tool Download
Work Anywhere | http://www.waw.raidghost.com/index.php/news-it-waw/blogueurs-follow/1363-virtual-delivery-agent-vda-712
Parallels | https://www.parallels.com/blogs/ras/citrix-application-not-launching-no-error/
After uninstalling Receiver and restarting the system, the following steps guide to remove any unnecessary files manually that might have been left on the client system.
It is important to remember that certain items mentioned in the following section might not exist on your system depending on the Receiver package used for the installation and how the package was deployed, for example per-machine against per-user installation.
More information on this is available in the Receiver and Plug-ins section of the Citrix eDocs for your version.
Following are the steps for cleaning up the file system:
On the system in use, show all hidden system files and folders (Explorer’s Tools > Folder Options menu item).
In the %userprofile%AppData folder
Delete the ICAClient folder if it exists.
If the Program Neighborhood Agent was present on the system, the following folder might also exist and should be deleted:
CitrixPNAgentFor more recent Citrix Receiver releases, remove the following folders in AppData if they exist:
- CitrixReceiver
- CitrixAuthManager
- CitrixSelfService
On Windows 7, the files and folders mentioned in the preceding must be deleted in both of the following locations:
- AppDataLocal
- AppDataRoaming
Repeat everything mentioned in preceding Step 2 for the C:UsersDefault folder as well (C:Documents and SettingsDefault User on Windows XP).
If they exist, ensure the following folders are removed from the directory in which the Receiver was installed. For example, the default install directory is %programfiles%Citrix (%programfiles(x86)%Citrix on 64-bit systems).
- %programfiles%CitrixICA Client
- %programfiles%CitrixAuthManager
- %programfiles%CitrixSelfServicePlugin
Complete the following steps to clean up the system registry:
Caution! Refer to the Disclaimer at the end of this article before using Registry Editor.
Using Registry Editor, navigate to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key and delete the following keys if they exist:
- Citrix.ICAClient* (delete all instances that exist – such as Citrix.ICAClient.2 or Citrix.ICAClient.2.1)
- Citrix.ICAClientProp* (delete all instances – such as Citrix.ICAClientProp.2 or Citrix.ICAClientProp.2.1 might exist)
- ica
- In the CLSID key, delete any keys whose names begin with 238F
- InstallerUpgradeCodes9B123F490B54521479D0EDD389BCACC1
- MimeDatabaseContent Typeapplication/x-ica
- Wfica
- WinFrameICA
- ICA Client
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and delete the following in SOFTWARECitrix if they exist:
- ICA Client
- PNAgent
- Dazzle
- PrinterProperties
- Receiver
- XenDesktopDesktopViewer
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE and delete the following keys if they exist (these keys are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432Node on 64-bit systems):
- CitrixAuthManager
- CitrixCitrixCAB
- CitrixDazzle
- CitrixICA Client
- CitrixReceiverInside
- CitrixPNAgent
- CitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuite
- CitrixXenDesktopDesktopViewer
- In CitrixInstall, delete the following keys if they exist:
- {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C}
- ICA Client
- PNAgent
- DesktopViewer
- ReceiverInsideForOnline
- Depending on the Receiver package installed, delete one of the following keys in MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall if they exist:
- CitrixOnlinePluginFull
- CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb
After uninstalling the Receiver software, any custom Receiver-side registry keys that icaclient.adm created remain in the registry as well. If you reinstall Receiver, these policies might be enforced possibly causing unexpected behavior. If you want to remove these customizations as well, delete the following ICA Client keys:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesCitrixICA Client
- HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesCitrixICA Client
- On 64-bit systems, ensure that the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodePoliciesCitrixICA Client key does not exist either.
For each user’s registry hive in HKEY_USERS, delete the following keys in SOFTWARECitrix if they exist (example HKEY_USERSS-1-5-18SoftwareCitrix):
- ICA Client
- Dazzle
- Receiver
- PrinterProperties
- PNAgent
- Program Neighborhood Agent
Repeat everything in Step 5 in the key: HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTSoftwareCitrix
Additional Resources
Citrix recommends you to restart the system after editing the registry.The number of items, their locations and names mentioned in this article might change in subsequent releases of the Receiver for Windows.
CTX121917 - How to Remove Legacy ICA Clients for Windows Using MSI or EXE Command-line Parameters
Refer Receiver and Plug-ins section of the Citrix eDocs.