Adt Plugin Zip File

Go to the plugin page from the WordPress Plugin Directory website. Click the red download button to transfer the plugin Zip file to your computer. Unzip the plugin files. All plugins downloaded from the Plugin Directory are in the Zip format. Most operating systems (Windows, Mac, and so on) have built-in tools to open Zip files. Installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse. Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called Android Development Tools (ADT), that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications.

  1. Download Adt Plugin

Hey guys,

I'm working on Ubuntu 10.04. I use Eclipse as my IDE, but now I want to install the Android ADT plugin for eclipse(as seen '>here). Now the thing is, that I don't have internet connection on the machine that has Eclipse running so I can't simply go to window>Install new Software>Add> and paste the URL (

Is there a way to download the plugin files from a machine with a connection, put it on a flash drive, plug it in the non-connected machine, and install the plugins manually?


Thanks in advance!

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Recommended Answers

Did you tried the troubleshooting option with '>manual download?

Adt Plugin Zip FileAdtJump to Post

You can '>download SDK and as far I remember you should have some basic platforms Android 1.0, 1.1 and 1.5 if I'm not mistaken, but not the latest one. For that you would …

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Well done! Feel free to add it to Starting mobile development [SDK / tutorials / resources / faq] on top of Mobile Development section

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Adt Plugin Zip File
peter_budo2,516Code tags enforcer Team ColleagueFeatured Poster

Download Adt Plugin

Did you tried the troubleshooting option with '>manual download?